When it comes to getting your profile noticed there is simply nothing as important as your profile picture. Posting your picture as part of your profile shows you are serious about online dating and automatically gives you a fighting chance as most people won’ t entertain a profile without a picture. Choosing the right picture that captures you in a positive light and creates interest or intrigue when viewed is vital to your online dating success Sadly, however, picking an unflattering or inappropriate picture is also one of the major mistakes people make when creating their profile. Don’t let yourself fall into this same trap – follow our tips for picking your profile picture to kick-start your online dating in the right manner and get your profile noticed straight away:
- Always Show your Face. Always! People want to see your face, and without sunglasses, a hat, a wig, a mask or anything else that conceals the view. Furthermore, people don’t want to have to squint to try pick out your face from a distance or don’t want a close up what shows the intimate details of your skin. Pick a picture that shows your face at a reasonable distance, with a nice smile and making nice eye contact with the camera. Don’t underestimate the importance of this point.
- Don’t Take your Own Photo – don’t post a picture you have taken of yourself or don’t post one of yourself in front of a mirror. No! No! No!
- Use a Recent Photo – Online dating should be seen as a way of introducing yourself to people you wish to physically meet at some point in the real world. Select a photo that shows you how you look today, not how you looked six months ago, two years ago or even further back in the past. The person you are in contact should not be in for a surprise when they meet you or worse still, cannot recognize you in the flesh having seen the photo you have posted on your profile.
- Intimate Pictures are not Necessary – while you may think intimate pictures of your private members are flattering and will have viewers drooling at the mouth you are wrong. Leave some details to the imagination.
- Don’t Use a Group Picture – avoid using a picture of you in a group which leaves viewers wondering which person in the picture is actually you.
- Capture Something Interesting or Intriguing –
Interestingly, research has shown that women who make flirty, eye contact with the camera receive the highest response rate but men who are not smiling and not looking directly at the camera achieve the highest response rate. Always remember that first impressions last and the first impression of you is created by your profile picture. Accordingly, give it the attention it deserves – it will bear fruit!